Medical Field


Mind Map on Medical Field, created by Taylor Bell on 15/09/2017.
Taylor Bell
Mind Map by Taylor Bell, updated more than 1 year ago
Taylor Bell
Created by Taylor Bell over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Medical Field
  1. 1. Where was the beginning for doctors and what was it like?
    1. 3. What were medical devices like before technology?
      1. 1250- First magnify glass, 1280- More lenses. 1752- Eyeglasses; concave lenses, usually for elderly woman
        1. Flexible catheter- Benjamin Franklin, for bladder stones
          1. Stethoscope- Trumped shape wooden tube, listen to the heart
            1. 1841- Anesthesia- soaked cloth against patients face
            2. 2. How have doctors expanded over time?
              1. Healthcare should change from trial and error-more data driven education
                1. Most physicians- check ups, testing, diagnosis, prescriptions
                  1. Can be done by sensors, passive, active, or by data collection by computers
                  2. Computers are more complex and do more extensive work than most doctors
                    1. Better at organizing/recalling info. Lower error and death rates
                      1. 80% of doctors will soon be replaced. 50% of MD's are below average
                    2. 5. How has technology changed the way doctors keep patients medical records?
                      1. Medical records used to be all paper & files. Doctors had to physically write the patients information
                        1. Medical records contain the patients 'notes', observations, drugs, therapies, and more
                          1. Now- online data storage, personal health records, all patient info entered in a computer
                            1. Medical record content show- medical history, allergies, habits, grown & decline, family records
                            2. 6. How has technology changed the patient care doctors give to their patients?
                              1. Better/more accessible treatment. Opens up more avenues of research. More driven/effective then before
                                1. Improved care/efficiency- technology made it more safer/reliable in most ways
                                  1. Sharing info over hand held computers benefits health IT
                                    1. Software improvement & Disease control- World Health Organization able to control diseases, causes &debates-more than 14,000 individual codes
                                    2. 4. What are medical devices like now?
                                      1. 1971- CT scanner 1973- First insulin pump 1978- M.R.I: using nuclear magnetic to distinguish between normal and cancerous tissues
                                        1. 2004- Adaptive artificial limbs to adapt to human lives 2006- Artificial liver
                                        2. 1992- DNA sequencing & imaging thoughts: detect brain flow in conjunction w/ human mental activity
                                        3. 8. What jobs were produced from the advancement of technology?
                                          1. 7. How has technology influenced medical laws?
                                            1. Steady evolving, rules, regulation concerns to adapt to new methods
                                              1. HIPPA & Privacy Act take concern of confidentiality of patient information; maintains privacy
                                              2. 9. How has technology changed the medical field all around?
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