Explain outdoor living to a person with an apartment in the city.


Mind Map on Explain outdoor living to a person with an apartment in the city., created by Stephanie_Swimmers on 07/08/2014.
Mind Map by Stephanie_Swimmers, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Stephanie_Swimmers over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Explain outdoor living to a person with an apartment in the city.
  1. Detail 1: Always quiet
    1. 1. Since there is not much disruptions it is always peaceful
      1. 2. You can enjoy quality time
        1. 3. It's not noisy outside like the big cities
        2. Detail 2: Wild Life
          1. 1. You can play outside
            1. 2. Learn about nature
              1. 3. Discover new things
              2. Detail 3: Make memories
                1. 1. Have an adventure everyday
                  1. Camping
                    1. Water Skiing
                      1. Fishing
                      2. 2. Enjoy the times with you and your friends
                        1. 3. Have fun
                        2. Introduction:
                          1. Conclusion:
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