The development of the Cold War: Satellite states


Mind Map on The development of the Cold War: Satellite states, created by milliewernyj17 on 02/06/2013.
Mind Map by milliewernyj17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by milliewernyj17 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The development of the Cold War: Satellite states
  1. What is a satellite state?
    1. It is an official independent country which is secretly controlled by another country
      1. 1947-1949 the USSR turned Czech, Hungary and Poland into satellite states
    2. Why did stalin set up these satellite states?
      1. Stalin believed the US was trying to 'buy Europe' and forming allies along the way
        1. Stalin set up satellite states in Europe in hope of preventing this so he could reject any offers of Truman's Marshall Plan
      2. Cominform 1947 (The Communist Information Bereau)
        1. Communist organisation whereby it represented Communist parties across Europe (under the direction of the USSR)
          1. The Cominform conference rejected the Marshall plan
            1. Communist parties in western Europe were encouraged to organise strikes against Marshall Plan
              1. France 1947 (winter) 2 million workers who were sympathetic to communists went on strike demanding the French government to reject Marshall aid
                1. Also used to ensure the loyalty of European communist governments and removed those who were not loyal to Stalin
                  1. 5% of Hungary's population was in prison by 1953, Stalin stamped out his opposition which consolidated (strengthened) the power of the USSR through eastern Eutope
                2. Comecon 1949 (The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)
                  1. aimed to encourage the economic development of eastern Europe
                    1. Comecon attempted to prevent trade with western Europe and America
                      1. The implications of this were:
                        1. 1. It would minimise American influence in Eastern Europe and in the USSR
                          1. 2. It made sure the economic recovery in Europe remained in the USSR's 'sphere of influence'
                            1. 3. It meant there was a clear divide as Eastern Europe did not have access to the prosperity of Western Europe
                    2. 'Two Camps'
                      1. Following the POTSDAM conference in 1945 both the US and USSR recognised there was a clear divide into 'two camps'. The division had been hardened due to the from the policies Marshal aid; which formed a camp in the west, and Comecon and Cominform; which lead to the establishment of soviet camps in the east.
                        1. In 1945 there was 2 unofficial spheres of influence
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