Yellow Eyes


Mind Map on Yellow Eyes, created by le la on 01/03/2018.
le la
Mind Map by le la, updated more than 1 year ago
le la
Created by le la about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Yellow Eyes
  1. caused by
    1. Jaundice
      1. how does it happen?
        1. increased bilirubin
          1. Hemoglobin Degradation
            1. Hemoglobin synthesis
            2. why?
              1. Pre hepatic causes
                1. Hemolytic anemia
                  1. Thalassemia
                    1. Sickle Cell anemia
                    2. Post hepatic causes
                      1. Obstructive
                        1. Bile duct atresia
                          1. pancreatitis
                            1. tumors of gall bladder
                              1. Mirzzi's Syndrome
                                1. Anatomy of the gall bladder
                              2. Intra hepatic causes
                                1. Gilbert syndrome
                                  1. Crigler Najjar syndrome
                                  2. Viral Hepatitis
                                    1. Prognosis
                                      1. Treatment
                                        1. Lamivudine
                                          1. Adefovir
                                            1. Entecavir
                                              1. Pegylated interferons
                                            2. Types
                                              1. Hepatitis A
                                                1. transmitted through consumption of contaminated water or food
                                                  1. can also be severe and life threatening
                                                    1. RNA VIRUS
                                                2. Hepatitis B
                                                  1. is transmitted through exposure to infective blood, semen, and other body fluids
                                                    1. DNA VIRUS
                                                  2. Hepatitis C
                                                    1. is mostly transmitted through exposure to infective blood
                                                      1. RNA VIRUS
                                                    2. Hepatitis D
                                                      1. infections occur only in those who are infected with HBV
                                                        1. RNA VIRUS
                                                      2. Hepatitis E
                                                        1. is mostly transmitted through consumption of contaminated water or food.
                                                          1. RNA VIRUS
                                                      3. vaccination
                                                        1. recombinant HBsAg
                                                      4. Anatomy of the liver
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