Cloning Mind Map


Mind Map on Cloning Mind Map, created by farah.h_98 on 20/09/2014.
Mind Map by farah.h_98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by farah.h_98 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cloning Mind Map
  1. Types of Cloning
    1. Organism Cloning: exact genetic copies of living things
      1. Artificial Embryo Twinning: seperation of very early embryo cells into individual, identical cells
        1. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer: removal of an egg cell's single set of chromosomes
          1. Dolly the Lamb was an exact genetic replica of an adult female sheep
        2. Gene Cloning: isolation of a gene in order to create an exact copy
          1. Stem Cell Cloning: manipulation of stem cells for the repairing of damaged or diseased organs and tissues
          2. Cloning Myths
            1. Instant Clones: - is believed that clones magically appear the same age as the original - incorrect - clones are genetically identical but will need to grow and develop as the original did
              1. Carbon Copies: - is believed that clones are exactly the same (will look and behave in the same manner) - not true - genetically identical twins look relatively similar but develop disticnt differences through the years - clones grow and develop differently from the original - mitochondria is different in clones
                1. Artificial Process: - is believed that al cloning happens in a lab through artificial embryo twinning and nuclear transfers
                  1. identical twins from mammals are naturally occuring clones
                    1. female aphids grow into identical copies of their mothers
                      1. starfish cut in half will regenerate into identical copies
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