There are only two ways in which humankind can produce knowledge: through p. obsv. or active expmnt.


Mind Map on There are only two ways in which humankind can produce knowledge: through p. obsv. or active expmnt., created by julia.beck on 15/11/2014.
Mind Map by julia.beck, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by julia.beck over 9 years ago

Resource summary

There are only two ways in which humankind can produce knowledge: through p. obsv. or active expmnt.
  1. Knowledge map of the world - Ground base knowledge - Foundation
    1. - Instinctive knowledge - A priori knowledge
      1. Not active experiment or passive observation
      2. Natural sciences
        1. WOK - imagination
          1. Not active experiment or passive observation
            1. To create and think of hypothesis leading to an experiment
            2. Producing knowledge using active experiment and passive - large part of science
              1. Discovery of the vaccination - Edward Jenner
                1. Issue with knowledge claim
              2. Religious knolwedge
                1. Revelation/ Experiential
                  1. Not active experiment or passive observation
                    1. Speaking to the divine, learning from the divine
                      1. Buddhism: revelation as an enlightenment gained through discipline and meditation - Buddha received an illumination that enabled him to become the supreme teacher for all his followers.
                        1. Final stage of buddhism (achieving enlightment) is a form of revelation
                        2. Faith/ Intuition
                        3. Practicing religion - active experiment + pasive observation
                          1. Meditation - trying to achieve the enlightened state of mind, control over your mind
                        4. Deals with the issue whether knowledge is discovered or produced
                        5. Defining active experiment + passive obesrvation
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