Neurology History


system mind maps FOCM4 Mind Map on Neurology History, created by shaikha Alzaabi on 24/02/2019.
shaikha Alzaabi
Mind Map by shaikha Alzaabi, updated more than 1 year ago
shaikha Alzaabi
Created by shaikha Alzaabi over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Neurology History
  1. Presenting complaint
    1. Headache
      1. location: unilateral/bilateral/occipital
        1. character: throbbing/band like/ pulsatile/thunderclap
          1. preceeded by an aura
            1. Associated symptoms: photophobia, phonophobia, Nausea/vomiting
              1. H/O Trauma
                1. alarm features: neuro deficit,/ blindness/ worst headache
                2. Seizure
                  1. Classification
                    1. Focal/generalised
                      1. Motor/non-motor(absence)
                        1. Loss of Consciousness
                        2. Duration
                          1. triggers: stress/lack of sleep/ lights/ trauma
                            1. Asssociated features: Eye rolling, frothiness, urinary incontinence, tonuge bitting
                            2. TIA/ Stroke
                              1. Onset & Duration
                                1. Symptoms
                                  1. Weakness
                                    1. site & symmetry
                                      1. Sudden/ graduall
                                        1. Persisted/ Resolved
                                        2. Dysarthria
                                          1. Ataxia
                                            1. Vertigo
                                              1. Dysphagia
                                              2. H/O trauma
                                              3. peripheral neuropathy
                                                1. Site
                                                  1. Duration
                                                    1. Pattern : ascending/progressive
                                                      1. alleviating factors
                                                        1. associated symptoms: weakness/blindness
                                                        2. PMH
                                                          1. Epilepsy/seizure Disorder
                                                            1. Meningitis/Encephalistis
                                                              1. Head/spinal Injury
                                                                1. CVS risk factors: DLP, HTN, Afib
                                                                  1. FMH
                                                                    1. Inheritable Neuro conditions: Huntington's/Epilepsy
                                                                      1. SOH
                                                                        1. Smoking/alcohol
                                                                          1. Caregiver at home
                                                                            1. Home design (mobility concerns)
                                                                              1. DH
                                                                                1. OCP
                                                                                  1. Antiplatelets/anticoagulants
                                                                                    1. Anticonvulsants, anti-parkinsonian drugs
                                                                                      1. Recreational Drugs
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