
Mind Map on Untitled, created by taniapaola on 04/12/2014.
Mind Map by taniapaola, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by taniapaola over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. fresh water from land enters the ocean through rivers,streams and groundwater flowing through extremely narrow stream cut chennels to remarkably broad lagoons behind long barrier islands, are called estuaries.
    1. the powerful flow of water in major rivers maintains channels that are deep enough for navigation by ocean bound vessels and the rivers themselves provide transportation of goods to poinsts farther inland
      1. the types of estuaries that are no viable as pors of call for ocean commerce are those that are not wide enough, no deep enough and not powerful enough to prevent the builduo of sediment.
        1. During the last ice age, much of what is today the submerged continental shelf was exposed as an extended part of the continent.
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