A451 - 1.2: Binary Logic


Mind Map on A451 - 1.2: Binary Logic, created by Blgr64 on 20/02/2015.
Mind Map by Blgr64, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Blgr64 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

A451 - 1.2: Binary Logic
  1. Binary Data
    1. One bit is either 'on' or 'off' '1' or '0'
      1. 8 Bits is a byte
        1. One letter is a byte of data
        2. Logic
          1. Logic follows the rule of 1 or 0
            1. Yes or No
            2. Binary Logic
              1. 'Not' operation
                1. If input is 1, output is 0
                  1. And vice versa
                    1. Q = NOT A
                    2. 'and' operation
                      1. If both A and B are 1 then output is true
                        1. Q = A AND B
                        2. 'Or' Operation
                          1. If either A OR B are 1 then output is true
                            1. Q = A OR B
                          2. Truth Table
                            1. They show possible inputs and the output using binary logic
                            2. Logic Gates
                              1. They are hardware for Binary Functions
                                1. They can also be combined to achieve more of a spicific output
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