Verb Tense


9 tempos verbais em inglês: 3 tempos no passado; 3 tempos no presente; 3 tempos no futuro.
Danielly Crespo
Mind Map by Danielly Crespo, updated more than 1 year ago
Danielly Crespo
Created by Danielly Crespo almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Verb Tense
  1. PAST
    1. Simple Past
      1. I worked in a bank in 2015.
      2. Past Continuous
        1. I was working in a bank.
        2. Past Perfect
          1. I had experience with finance because I had worked in a bank.
        3. PRESENT
          1. Simple Present
            1. I work in a bank.
            2. Present Continuous
              1. I'm working in a bank.
              2. Present Perfect
                1. I have worked in a bank.
              3. FUTURE
                1. Will
                  1. I will work in a bank.
                  2. To be + Going to
                    1. I'm going to work in a bank.
                    2. To be + ING
                      1. I'm working in a bank next weekend.
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