SWOT Analysis-Overall,how has the new Wembley Stadium afected the Wembley Park Area


Mind Map on SWOT Analysis-Overall,how has the new Wembley Stadium afected the Wembley Park Area, created by liorabatmitzvah on 05/11/2013.
Mind Map by liorabatmitzvah, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by liorabatmitzvah over 10 years ago

Resource summary

SWOT Analysis-Overall,how has the new Wembley Stadium afected the Wembley Park Area
  1. Weaknesses
    1. Seen as waste of money-Wembley development costed £700 million to build
      1. Not much visible greenery or open space-only a few trees
        1. Quite congested with traffic
          1. Stadium can be seen as blot on landscape
            1. Noise pollution on match days
              1. Made the area much busier
              2. Opportunities
                1. New offices
                  1. Business opportunities
                  2. Stadium
                    1. Employment opportunitiees for locals
                    2. More shops,hotels,restaurants and other establishments
                      1. Employment opportunities for locals
                    3. Threats
                      1. Recession-people can't afford to come
                        1. poverty-less money in area
                          1. Crime
                            1. Area will become derelict and run down
                      2. Strengths
                        1. Good facilities
                          1. Good facilities for example shops ,hotels and restaurants .Also near public transport
                            1. Good for tourists
                              1. Brings money to the area
                            2. Clean and well maintained
                              1. Library and Civic centre for local community
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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