The SOHO Internet Highway Code


Mind Map on The SOHO Internet Highway Code, created by sandra.lmilove on 19/11/2013.
Mind Map by sandra.lmilove, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sandra.lmilove over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The SOHO Internet Highway Code
  1. SOHO (Small Office or a Home Office)
    1. SOHO
      1. Is part of a key target market for today’s online crime gangs.
        1. Reasons:
          1. People operating micro-business networks usually never have expertise the secure their networks.
            1. Cyber ciminals can easily dominate this networks.
              1. The computers in micro-networs are more vulnerable for attacks of diferent types.
      2. SOHO Internet Highway Code
        1. 10 Rules.
          1. 1. Safeguard your computer.
            1. Taking good practice (workstation clean, quiet, stable, neat) can have security (physical) on the machines.
              1. Laptops need special care and attention. The rules about using them in a safe place are even more important, because laptops are only too often balanced precariously or used in the midst of all sorts of other activity
              2. 2. Use strong passwords and a screensaver.
                1. This rule tells us how to keep our equipment and protected accounts, especially when used by third parties.
                2. 3. Update and patch your operating system
                  1. As mentioned during the course, while the teams are updated with required patches have basic security with which we can be quiet some time.
                  2. 4. Have an up-to-date firewall.
                    1. In this rule explain about how maintaining safety using firewalls. In This rule mentions case about importance of firewalls with examples of day routine in workstations or machines personals.
                    2. 5. Have up-to-date anti-virus software.
                      1. There are some 100,000 viruses, worms and Trojans circulating in the wild. Some of them are worse than others, and some very nasty indeed
                        1. You need to have antivirus software even if you only use web mail.
                      2. 6. Act anti-spam.
                        1. Some estimates are that 80 per cent of all e-mail is now spam.
                          1. A spam filter is software that tries to sort the spam from the ham: to identify and block the incoming spam but to let through what you want to receive.
                          2. 7. Use up-to-date anti-spyware/adware tools
                            1. Adware is pop-up advertising software that has downloaded to, and runs on, your computer, usually without your active consent or knowledge. It will try to keep a series of advertisement windows open in front of you, irrespective of your attempts to close them.
                              1. Spyware is software you didn't deliberately install, which collections information about you.
                                1. You must keep your computer protected and also do periodic cleaning it.
                                2. 8. Be sensible – don’t take unnecessary risks.
                                  1. Take precautions when you browse the internet, as many risks including physical is when we stay safe.
                                  2. 9. Back it up.
                                    1. You need to have copies of everything available so that you can recover yourself.
                                      1. It should make a backup and update periodically
                                      2. 10. Fix problems as soon as they arise.
                                        1. Tackle the possible issues step-by-step (guide of what to make to find solucion to problems of safety how more easy, for example, intrusion, phishing, virus or whatever what make what the machine not function correctly).
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