Exam 2: Thiazolidinediones


Mind Map on Exam 2: Thiazolidinediones, created by Jasper McClellan on 11/07/2022.
Jasper McClellan
Mind Map by Jasper McClellan, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasper McClellan
Created by Jasper McClellan almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Exam 2: Thiazolidinediones
  1. Pharmacological action
    1. Decrease insulin resistance
      1. In turn increases sketeletal muscle and adipose tissue uptake
      2. Decrease liver glucose production
      3. Pharmacokinetics
        1. Metabolized in liver
          1. Excreted via feces (mostly) and urine
          2. Adverse effects
            1. Unintended ovulation
              1. Bladder cancer
                1. Fluid retention
                  1. Increased cholestrol
                    1. Risk for bone fracture
                      1. URIs/ sinusitis
                        1. Headaches
                          1. Muscle aches
                          2. Contraindications
                            1. Liver impairment
                              1. Bladder cancer
                                1. Heart failure
                                2. Drug interactions
                                  1. Insulin
                                    1. Fluid retention
                                      1. Hypoglycemia
                                      2. Hypoglycemia
                                        1. Gemfibrozil
                                          1. Coenzyme Q10
                                            1. Ketoconazole
                                              1. Chromium
                                            2. Extra information
                                              1. Also known as glitazones
                                                1. Pioglitazone is a medication in this category
                                                2. Nursing interventions
                                                  1. Liver Function Tests at baseline & every 3-6 months
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