food & Nutrition


Mind Map on food & Nutrition, created by cormac mcgarry on 27/11/2023.
cormac mcgarry
Mind Map by cormac mcgarry, updated 6 months ago
cormac mcgarry
Created by cormac mcgarry 6 months ago

Resource summary

food & Nutrition
  1. fats
    1. saturated fat
      1. animal produce
        1. high in protein
          1. e.g Chicken , steak and pork
          2. high in calories
          3. unsaturated fat
            1. plant produce
              1. e.g nuts,beans,lentils
                1. some protein
                2. low in calories
                3. functions of fat
                  1. keeps body warm
                    1. protects vital organs
                      1. excess fat causes obesity
                        1. obesity leads to diabetes
                        2. can cause CVD or CHD
                      2. protein
                        1. amino acids
                          1. indispensible
                            1. dispensible
                              1. 20 of them
                                1. adults need 18
                                  1. kids need 20
                                2. functions
                                  1. builds muscle mass
                                    1. secondary source of enegy
                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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