Restriction Endonuclease: Enzyme that can cleave DNA at a specific base-pair sequence of nucleotides.


SBI4U Ms. Ibrahim 230 Brittney Murray
Mind Map by brittneynmurray, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by brittneynmurray about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Restriction Endonuclease: Enzyme that can cleave DNA at a specific base-pair sequence of nucleotides.
  1. Cleaving
    1. Sticky Ends: Short single-stranded overhang ends from cleavage. Ready to be paired with new DNA strands.
      1. Restriction Enzyme cuts specific DNA sequence and is added to another DNA gene in a plasmid. The plasmid can then be injected into a bacterial cell and reproduce more genes, known as “recombinant DNA.”
      2. Blunt Ends: Fully based paired ends from cleavage. Not ready to bind with new DNA strands.
      3. Types
        1. Type I: Cuts random sequences
          1. Type II: Cuts specific areas close to or within recognition sequence - most commonly used
            1. Type IIS: Cleaves outside recognition sequence to one side. Used on DNA with multiple recognition sites.
              1. Type IIG: Cleaves outside recognition sequence and can switch between cleaving other DNA and protecting (methylase) own DNA
                1. Type III: Cleaves outside recognition sequence and can switch between cleaving other DNA and protecting (methylase) own DNA
                  1. Type IV: Recognizes and cleaves modified DNA
                  2. Applications
                    1. Genetic Engineering: Molecular Biologists target sequences then isolate and cleave them. The cleaved strand is then used to modify something else
                      1. Restriction Fragment Lenth Polymophism (RFLP): Molecular biologists study the fragment length differences in individuals or groups of individuals
                        1. DNA fingerprinting
                          1. Immune Systems: When bacteriophage (virus) injects DNA into bacterial cell, the restriction enzyme breaks foreign DNA into segments and renders it useless.
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