Biochemical molecules


(Biology) Mind Map on Biochemical molecules, created by matheusgrossi03 on 02/04/2014.
Mind Map by matheusgrossi03, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by matheusgrossi03 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Biochemical molecules
  1. Lipids
    1. triglycerides
      1. glycerol=3 fatty acids
      2. phospholipids
        1. phosphate head
          1. glycerol + 2 acid tails
          2. Cholesterol
            1. 4 C ring structures
              1. steroid hormones
            2. Proteins
              1. structural
                1. fibrous
                  1. collagen
                2. enzymes
                  1. hormones
                    1. antibodies
                      1. aminoacids
                        1. 20 types
                          1. peptide bond
                          2. Structure
                            1. Primary
                              1. sequence of amino acids
                              2. Secondary
                                1. alpha helix & beta pleat
                                  1. Hydrogen bonds
                                2. Tertiary
                                  1. final 3D shape
                                    1. vital to its function
                                      1. denaturation
                                      2. Disulphide bond
                                        1. Ionic interactions
                                          1. Hydrogen bonds
                                            1. Hydrophobic interactions
                                            2. Quartenary
                                              1. more than one polypeptide
                                          2. Carbohydrates
                                            1. Monosaccharides
                                              1. 3- triose
                                                1. 5- pentose
                                                  1. 6- Hexose
                                                    1. soluble
                                                      1. sweet
                                                        1. crystals
                                                        2. Cn(H2O)n
                                                          1. Energy storage & source
                                                            1. Glycogen & Starch
                                                            2. Structure
                                                              1. Cellulose
                                                                1. beta glucose polymer
                                                                  1. fibres
                                                                2. alpha glucose
                                                                  1. beta glucose
                                                                    1. condensation reaction
                                                                      1. glycosidic bonds
                                                                        1. + H2O
                                                                      2. Nucleic Acid
                                                                        1. RNA
                                                                          1. Ribose
                                                                            1. single strand
                                                                              1. A,U,G,C
                                                                              2. DNA
                                                                                1. Deoxyribose
                                                                                  1. double strand
                                                                                    1. A,T,G,C
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