Unit 8. Eating well


Mind Map on Unit 8. Eating well, created by Cindy Alejandra Villarreal on 13/01/2017.
Cindy Alejandra Villarreal
Mind Map by Cindy Alejandra Villarreal, updated more than 1 year ago
Cindy Alejandra Villarreal
Created by Cindy Alejandra Villarreal over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 8. Eating well
  1. Vocabulary
    1. Vegetables
      1. Checker
        1. Bagger
          1. Cart
            1. Basket
              1. Fruit
              2. Life Story
                1. 1. The Harts make a shopping list every friday.
                  1. 2. They go to the supermarket every Saturday
                    1. 3. They love fruit. They get fruit every week.
                      1. 4. They buy milk and bread every time they shop.
                        1. 5. Twice a month, they buy their favorite fish.
                          1. 6. They always look for good prices.
                            1. 1. When do the Harts make a shopping list? R= every Friday.
                              1. 2. Where do they go every Saturday? R= They go to the Supermarket.
                                1. 3. Do they get fruit every week? R= Yes, they do.
                                  1. 4. Do they buy milk and bread every week? R= Yes, they do.
                                    1. 5. Do they buy their favorite fish every week? R= No, they don't
                                      1. 6. What do they always look for?
                                      2. Grammar
                                        1. 1. Kayla and Jim cook every day.
                                          1. 2. They eat three times a day.
                                            1. 3. They cook once a day.
                                              1. 4. Jim goes shopping twice a week.
                                                1. 5. Kayla never goes shopping.
                                                  1. 6. Kayla and Jim order pizza once a month.
                                        2. Everyday conversation
                                          1. Real-life Reading
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