Long-Term Memory


Mind Map on Long-Term Memory, created by Bethan Stevenson on 12/04/2014.
Bethan Stevenson
Mind Map by Bethan Stevenson, updated more than 1 year ago
Bethan Stevenson
Created by Bethan Stevenson about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Long-Term Memory
  1. Capacity- possibly unlimited
    1. Duration- measured in hours, days and years
      1. Shepard (1967)
        1. showed ppt 612 memorable pictures, one at a time
          1. an hour later, they were shown some of these pictures among a set of others
            1. showed almost perfect recognition
          2. 4 months later, they were still able to recognise 50% of the photographs
          3. Bahrick (1975)
            1. asked people of various ages to put names to the faces from their high school year books
              1. free recall accuracy dropped from 50% at 3 months to 20% at 40+ years
                1. recognition of names and pictures and matching of names and pictures remained high (85-90%) for all retention intervals
                  1. dropping sharply to about 75% in the eldest age group
                  2. in picture-naming condition- about 70% accuracy at 3 months after graduation, 60% after 5 years and 20% after 40+ years
              2. Encoding- semantic
                1. Baddeley (1966a and 1966b)
                  1. tested effects of acoustic and semantic similarity on short-term and long-term recall
                    1. gave ppts list of words that were acoustically similar and dissimilar and semantically similar and dissimilar
                      1. found ppts found it harder to remember acoustically similar words for STM semantically similar words in LTM whereas it was easier the other way around
                        1. suggesting LTM stores information semantically
                  2. encoding in LTM may not just be semantic
                    1. Frost (1972)
                      1. showed LT recall was related to visual and well as semantic categories
                      2. Nelson and Rothbart (1972)
                        1. found evidence of acoustic encoding
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