Rather 1- English grammar Rather usage


English vocabulary
blanca gonzález
Mind Map by blanca gonzález, updated more than 1 year ago
blanca gonzález
Created by blanca gonzález almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Rather 1- English grammar Rather usage
  1. Rather as a degree adverb
    1. We use rather to give emphasis to an adjective or adverb. It has a similar meaning to quite when quite is used with gradable words. It is more formal than quite.
      1. We often use it to express something unexpected or surprising: A: You’re not just wasting your time here, are you? B: No, I’m rather busy, in fact. They walked rather slowly. I’m afraid I behaved rather badly.
        1. Rather with adjective + noun With a/an we usually use rather a/an + adjective + noun, but we can also use a rather + adjective + noun. With other determiners (some, those) we use determiner + rather + adjective + noun:
          1. We had to wait rather a long time. (or, less common, We had to wait a rather long time.) He helped her out of rather an uncomfortable situation. (or He helped her out of a rather uncomfortable situation.) I had some rather bad news today. Not: I had rather some bad news today.
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