brothers - created from Mind Map


Note on brothers - created from Mind Map, created by zoevardi on 23/12/2013.
Note by zoevardi, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by zoevardi over 10 years ago
Copied to Note by zoevardi over 10 years ago

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structure The poem does not use rhyme or have a strict pattern to its rhythm. This is typical of modern poetry. There are three stanzas; they recount three stages of the afternoon. The first stanza sets the scene, showing the relationship between the speaker and his brother as well as the speaker and his friend. The second stanza presents the disruption to plans for the afternoon (because the younger brother doesn't have his bus fare). The final stanza concludes the story, revealing the separation of the brothers.

themes The aspiration to be older and do "what grown-ups do" is apparent through the poem. In the first stanza, the older children discuss football and are dismissive of the younger boy as if they are wiser.In line 9 the speaker sees age as an advantage: "His smile, like mine, said I was nine and he was ten". The speaker is reflecting the naively superior feelings of the older boys. The shared smile also hints at their close friendship, an intimacy which is craved by the younger brother but will be denied him because of the "distance" between the brothers. The childhood feeling of superiority is later regretted by the speaker, however. "Looking back" is used both literally to refer to the older boy checking on the progress of his younger brother to find his bus fare, as well as metaphorically suggesting a look back through time.

Comparison Sister Maude Brothers explores the relationship between siblings and the way in which time inevitably - and regrettably - separates them. There is affection between the brothers, particularly in the adoration of the younger boy. In Sister Maude a much more destructive relationship between siblings is presented. Like Brothers, this poem hints at the way in which the move towards adulthood brings a distance between siblings. Harmonium Harmonium has a similarly nostalgic tone, using a moment from the past to closely explore a family relationship (a son's feelings for his father). But Brothers seems more regretful in tone. Both poems use apparently insignificant events to illuminate a relationship.


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