Syndromes and Names...


Boards Mental Health Fichas sobre Syndromes and Names..., creado por Lidia Yamada el 02/07/2016.
Lidia Yamada
Fichas por Lidia Yamada, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lidia Yamada
Creado por Lidia Yamada hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
POST-CONCUSSION SYNDROME (1 month) SYMPTOMS: - Headache - Blurred vision - Photophobia - Anxiety - Apathy - Decreased concentration/ verbal fluency - Memory impairment
KORSAKOFF SYNDROME Ataxia Nystagmus Ophthalmoplegia Delirium Short-term memory loss
MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT - Cognitive impairment greater than expected for age; - Does not interfere with iADLs
TRANSIENT GLOBAL AMNESIA - abrupt episode of profound anterograde amnesia - ability to recall what happens during episode is variable
KLUVER-BUCY BL destruct. of amygdala: - hyperorality - hypersexuality - disinhibited behavior
Pseudobulbar Affect - Involuntary emotion expression - Bilateral lesions - Disconnect corticobulbar tracts from brainstem cranial nervers nuclei
Pseudobulbar affect treatment Dextromethorphan- quinidine
Alexia without agrafia (part 1- what) - Loss of reading comprehension despite normal visual acuity - Usually can read the letters of the word - Writing and language comprehension are N - "Disconnection syndrome"
Alexia without agrafia (part 2- where) - Usually L PCA territory - Medial and inferior occipital temporal region + splenium of corpus callosum
Alexia without agrafia (part 3- why) Words seen in the intact visual field (ipsilateral) are not sent to Broca's area because of the corpus callosum lesion.
Propsopagnosia - Inability to recognize faces - Face recognition- R hemisphere BUT - Prosopagnosia: lesion of bilateral temporal- occipital areas (FUSIFORM GYRI)
Topographagnosia (what) - Defect in spatial orientation - Can't: navigate in familiar places follow maps draw spatial map of familiar places
Topographagnosia (where) - R parietal - R posterior parahippocampal - R infracalcarine cortex
Anosagnosia - Inability to recognize own body parts Where: - R superior parietal lobe
Misoplegia - Hatred of one's own limb - R temporal- parietal - Can be violent and try to chop own limb
Somatophrenia - Patient denies ownership of the limb - Claims it's missing or was stolen
CAPGRA'S SYNDROME Believes a person is an identic-looking impostor.
FREGOLI'S SYNDROME Believes the same person exists in multiple desguises
INTERMETAMORPHOSIS Belief that individuals swapped IDs
COTARD'S DELUSION Patient believes he is dead or dying
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