Feudal system


flashcard quiz
Harry da runner Harvey
Fichas por Harry da runner Harvey, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Harry da runner Harvey
Creado por Harry da runner Harvey hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
When did the feudal system start ? 1000 AD
When did it stop ? 1200 AD
What were the ranks ? King-Barons-Knights-Peasants
What other names were the peasants known by ? Villiens and Serfs
What did the Barons give the Knights ? Land
What did the Peasants give the Knights ? Food and service
What did the Knights give the Barons ? Military service and Protection
What did the Barons give the King ? Money and Knights for his Army
How did the Baron get land from the King ? Swear an oath and stay loyal
What was the Barons land called ? A Manor
Could the Barons set their own taxes ? yes
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