How did the Cold War start


Grade 12 ( The Cold War) History Mapa Mental sobre How did the Cold War start, creado por amarahpeck el 08/11/2013.
Mapa Mental por amarahpeck, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por amarahpeck hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

How did the Cold War start
  1. Grand Alliance was weak from the start
    1. USSR = strong communistic beliefs = West feared a communist world revolution
      1. USA = Strong Capitalistic beliefs = USSR feared this
        1. After second world war Germany was no longer a threat to these two = because of their opposing ideologies they were no longer together fighting common enemy but eachother
          1. West distrusted USSR Because after WW2 USSR annexed Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania and Eastern Poland
            1. USSR established Soviet Dominated government in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, East Germany, Czechoslovakia
            2. Why did USSR distrust the west?
              1. They had the policy of containment = contain/ suppress/ stop the spread of communism
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