Making Beer and Wine


Mapa Mental sobre Making Beer and Wine, creado por bex.chrimes el 31/03/2014.
Mapa Mental por bex.chrimes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por bex.chrimes hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Making Beer and Wine
  1. Made by fermentation
    1. Yeast converts sugar into Ethanol
      1. Sugar --> Ethanol + Carbon dioxide
    2. Sugars from beer usually come from barley
      1. 1) The Barley germinates for a few days. In this time, the starch grains are broken down into sugar by the enzymes. The grain is dried on a kiln (malting)
        1. 2) Matled grain is mashed and water is added providing a sugary solution. A sieve is then used to remove bits
          1. 3)Hops are added to give a bitter flavour
      2. Sugars from wine come from grape juice
        1. 1) grapes are mashed and water added
        2. Ethanol is a depressant, its slows down signals in the nerves and brain
          1. Yeast are killed by the Ethanol they produce as Ethanol is poisonous
            1. Damage to the liver
            2. After the initial steps above, Beer and Wine making is the same...
              1. Yeast is added and incubated, Yeast stops microorganisms and ferments the sugar into alcohol (yeast respires anaerobically)
                1. Beer and Wine is drawn off through a tap
                  1. Sometimes chemicals (clarifying agents) remove particles making it clearer
                    1. Beer is then pasteurised to kill any yeast left and stop fermentation. (Wine isn't pasteurised, any yeast left carry on fermenting the sugar) This makes wine taste better. Beer also takes better without pasteurisation however it will spoil.
                      1. Beer is cracked and wine bottled!
                  2. *Rising concentration of ethanol in fermentation mixture kills the yeast, due to anaerobic respiration, yeast dying slows down fermentation*
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