Big and Small Nutrients


A brief look at the big nutrients and small ones, and a definition of calorie
Tri Nguyen
Flashcards by Tri Nguyen, updated more than 1 year ago
Tri Nguyen
Created by Tri Nguyen about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The 3 ways to help control and manage diabetes healthy eating. maintaining body weight. stay active.
what are Calories? units of energy
where do you get calories? 3 main sources: carbohydrates protein fats
what determines your needed calorie intake? sex size daily activity phyiscal- activity
what is insulin a hormone made and secreted from beta cells in the pancreas
what is the purpose of insulin to help move blood from the bloodstream to the body allowing normal bodily function. it also plays a role in fat storage
what are carbohydrates main source of energy, preferred source, and easialy broken down into glucose
categories of carbohydrates sugar, starch, fiber
how many calories are in a gram of carb. 4 units of energy (calories)
protein not the preferred source, made up of amino acid chains
what are proteins broken down into amino acid chains (its building blocks)
the functions of protein build, repair, and maintain the bodys tissue
how many calories are in a gram of protein 4 calories/gram
what are fats not preffered, calories from fat are only used when calories from carbs arent enough
what are the 4 types of fats monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, trans, and saturated
natural fats chicken, cheese, meats
added fats butter, cream cheese on bagels, salad dressing, all oils
how many calories per gram of fat 9 units of energy per gram
alcohol not needed for bodily function, contains no nutritional value,
suggested intake of alcohol(if added in diet) 1 drink for women, 2 for men daily
how many calories per gram of alcohol 7 units of energy per gram
vitamins and minerals contained in the food we eat, has no calories, and helps with all sorts of bodily functions
recommended daily amount of water 8 cups or 64fl. oz.
sources of water liquids you drink and food you eat
variables in water intake climate, work, physical activity
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