The Role of women generally


Flashcards on The Role of women generally, created by Greta Westwood on 30/05/2013.
Greta Westwood
Flashcards by Greta Westwood, updated more than 1 year ago
Greta Westwood
Created by Greta Westwood almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Where did Florence Nightingale train? Kaiserworth hospital, Germany
What did Florence Nightingale do during the Crimean War? She led a team of nurses at the military hospital in Scutari
What was Florence Nightingale able to do in London, 1860 ? Establish the 'Nightingale school for nurses'
How was the 'Nightingale school for nurses' paid for? From the money donated by the public
What did Florence Nightingale write over 200 books on? Hospital design and organisation
What did Florence Nightingale do at Scutari Military Hospital? She organised the care at Scutari Military Hospital, emphasising cleanliness and fresh air
What did Florence Nightingale believe in? Miasma theory
As a result of Florence Nightingale's work in Scutari, the death rate fell From 42% to 2% !
How did people find out about Nightingale's work? Through Newspapers
How many languages was Florence Nightingale's 'Notes for Nursing' translated into? 11
What was Florence Nightingale influential for in 1861? Helping to set up the training school for midwives at Kings College Hospital
Initially, what were the doctor's reactions to Florence Nightingale (in Scutari) She was initially opposed by the doctors in Scutari
What made it hard for Elizabeth Garret- Anderson to become a qualified doctor? -Medical schools would not accept women -She stopped from attending lectures
Who finally accepted Elizabeth Garret-Anderson and gave her a certificate so she could become a qualified doctor? + What date was this? The Society of Apothecaries - in 1865
Who helped Anderson to become a qualified doctor by taking the Society of Apothecaries to court? Her dad
What did Anderson found in London, 1872? 'The New hospital for Women'
What date did Anderson help to set up 'The London School for Medicine for Women?' 1874
Why was it hard for women to become doctors? They faced opposition from male students
Why did women face opposition? Male students thought: -They weren't intelligent enough -Too emotional for dissections -Patients wouldn't take them seriously
What date was there an Act of Parliament that allowed women to enter the Medical Profession? 1876
What was nursing like by the 1830s? Most nurses were poor and uneducated as it wasn't seen as a respectable career
At what date were women allowed to qualify as doctors in British Universities? 1877
What invention led to a decline in the role of women in midwifery in the 17th century? The invention of Forceps
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