

Undergraduate Psychology (Cognitive) Flashcards on Savage-Rumbaugh, created by mad-megz165 on 03/06/2013.
Flashcards by mad-megz165, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mad-megz165 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
COGNITIVE Savage-Rumbaugh (1986) Chimp Language Aim: To investigate the language acquisition capacity of a pygmy chimpanzee and to contrast it with common chimpanzees.
PP's: Kanzi 2.5 years + Mulika (Pygmy chimps) Austin + Sherman (Common chimps) Method: Longitudinal study with a combination of observations and experiments, mainly with Kanzi.
Kanzi and Mulika were exposed to using the lexigram when their mother was trying to be taught. All apes symbol usage was recorded automatically via computer when indoors and by hand when outside.
Tests of language: Spontaneous use 9/10 times. Formal lab tests- Photo to lexigram. Spoken to photo. Spoken to lexigram. Computer to lexigram.
Results: Kanzi acquired 47 words and produced 2540 combinations of words. 80% of combinations made were spontaneous. Austin and Sherman struggled matching spoken to photos where as Kanzi and Mulika made few mistakes at all.
Conclusions: Non-humans have linguistic abilities similar to humans. It is difficult to generalize as only 4 chimps were studied Kanzi's language acquisition indicates that linguistic development in pygmy chimps mirrors that of humans.
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