Developmental Abilities (Piaget)


GCSE Psychology (Topic 1: Development) Flashcards on Developmental Abilities (Piaget), created by Ablazej P on 09/02/2018.
Ablazej P
Flashcards by Ablazej P, updated more than 1 year ago
Ablazej P
Created by Ablazej P over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Object Permanence Knowing something exists even when you can't see it.
Symbolic Play Make-Believe, Role-Playing and other such actions or games
Egocentrism Only being able to see the world through your own eyes
Animism Believing inanimate objects are alive
Centration Focusing on only one part of a difficult task
Irreversibility Not understanding actions can be reversed
Morality General understanding of right and wrong
Seriation Sorting objects
Classification Naming and grouping objects
Conservation The ability to determine that a certain quantity will remain the same despite adjustment of the container, shape, or apparent size
Decentration Being able to take many different approaches to a certain task
Reversibility Understanding actions can be reversed
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