Elaboration - likelihood Model


A-Levels Psychology (Media) Flashcards on Elaboration - likelihood Model, created by OliviaBridge on 08/06/2013.
Flashcards by OliviaBridge, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by OliviaBridge almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who developed the elaboration - likelihood model? Petty & Cacioppo
What is the central route? The central route focuses on the strength of the argument and the personal importance of the message
Which type of person uses the central route of persuasion? Those who have a high need for cognition - thinkers Enjoy analysing an argument
What did Friske & Taylor suggest about the peripheral route of persuasion? Humans are cognitive misers - not motivated to think about the message
According to Friske & Taylor how do humans evaluate information? Using simple efficient strategies to evaluate the info. influenced by contextual cues
Outline the real world application for persuading individuals? (AO2) Vidrin et al. found when students were provided with health campaigns - smoking which were fact based(central) & emotion based(peripheral). Those who were high NC influenced by fact - Low NC influenced by emotion
What type of attitude change does the central route have? LASTING
What type of attitude change does the peripherial route have? TEMPORARY
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