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John Smith
Flashcards by John Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
John Smith
Created by John Smith over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
At the time of building the great pyramids the term Master Builder and Architekton referred to people with similar skills T or F True
Greek engineers perfected the use of the arch T or F False
Before the Industrial Revolution, what professions were referred to as the 'black professions'? Law Divinity Medicine
The term electric century refers to what Century? 20th Century
Who was the queen of the hurricanes? (first female aircraft designer) Elizabeth Muriel Gregory
Canada entered the space program with what launch? Alouette I
Which single element of a profession ensures that all the remaining elelments are satisifed? License required by Legislation
What should you know about your audience when presenting? Education level, Knowledge in your field of study and Interests
What are the 'four R's' to think about when presenting? Reason Reader Restrictions Research
What is the most effective use of language? Accurate
List 'the five magic questions' 1. What do you want to tell me? 2. Why does it matter? 3. How does it affect me? 4. How can it help me? 5. What can be done with this information?
Who is Engineers Canada? Conglomeration of engineering and regulatory bodies that represent the ten provinces and three territories of Canada Engineers Canada is the voice of engineers in national and international affairs
What is the purpose of Engineers Canada? To unite the provincial and territorial regulators in the public's interest
What is the objective of Engineers Canada? To foster regulatory excellence, build confidence in the profession, promote stability in practice, and protect the engineering term from misuse
Liste the protected professional terms Engineer Professional Engineer P.Eng Consulting Engineer Engineering Ingeniur genie ing. ingenieur conseil ingenierie
What is the PEO? Professional Engineers Ontario Regulates the engineering practice in Ontario
How does PEO regulate the profession? 1. Admission 2. Enforcement 3. Discipline
Most popular engineering discipline in Canada? Mechanical Civil Electrical
What is engineering? Application of scientific knowledge for the benefit of society
The three principles of Professional Engineering Practice Any act of 1. Designing, composing, evaluating, advising, directing or supervising 2. Wherein the safeguard of life, health property or the public welfare is concerned 3. Requiring the application of engineering principles
List the PEO code of ethics Practitioners shall: -Regard the public welfare as paramount -Enhance public regard for the profession -Express only well-founded opinions -Act as a faithful agent or trustee -Disclose conflicts of interest immediately -Cooperate with other professionals -Review another professional's work with only that professionals knowledge -Not cause damage to another profesional's reputation -Not pay or accept bribes or commissions -Give proper credit for engineering work -Expose unprofessional, dishonest or unethical conduct by other practitioners
List the five steps to becoming a licensed engineer in Canada 1. Acceptable engineering education 2. PPE in law and ethics 3. Be a person of good character 4. References from all supervisors and one P.Eng 5. 48 months acceptable engineering experience with 12 in Canada
Does 12 months of pre-graduation experience count toward acceptable engineering experience? Yes, once 50% of courses are completed and signed off by relevant supervisor
List 6 traits associated with being an ethical engineer -Regard the public welfare as paramount -Enhance public regard for the profession -Express only well-founded opinions -Act as a faithful agent or trustee -Disclose conflicts of interest immediately -Cooperate with other professionals -Review another professional's work with only that professionals knowledge -Not cause damage to another profesional's reputation -Not pay or accept bribes or commissions -Give proper credit for engineering work -Expose unprofessional, dishonest or unethical conduct by other practitioners
List the 5 requirements of engineering experience 1. Application of theory 2. Practical experience 3. Management of Engineering 4. Communication Skills 5. Social Implications of engineering
List some gray (doubtful) areas of engineering experience 1. Cross-discipline candidates 2. Techniician/ administartion 3. Quality activities 4. Patent agents 5. Teaching 6. Construction 7. Sales representative
What is the difference between SMP and EIT? Student Mentorship Program (SMP) is the PEO outreach to students Engingeer In Training (EIT) is a designation eligible to be had by graduates of accrediated programs that shows ones efforts towards becoming a P.Eng
Engineering become a profession in Canada in? 1887
Does being a licensed engineer qualify a person to offer or engage in providing services to the public? No, a certificate of authorization is also required
Engineering in Ontario is.. A self regulated profession
Is negligence considered professional miscinduct? Yes
Public welfare is... Paramount
Can a member of a profession be directly punished for a breach of code of ethics? No
Teleological ethics is __ based Virtue
Breifly explain Teleological ethics and its drawbacks Questioning what one should do to live a good life snf how a system works to reach a defined end Dawbacks: Rules and obligations
John Locke is __ based Rights
Briefly explain RIghts-based ethics and its drawbacks Promotion of one's full liberty through reasoning. It's one's right to use reason to move view of how one wants to live. Social contract to the government Respne to unjust class structures and authoritarian rule Drawbacs: conflict between parties wishing their right takes precednt over the other
Deontological ethics is __ based Duty
Briefly describe duty based ethics and its drawbacks Universal application and respect for others. Personal conviction, private freedoms, and obligation. Evaluation of these ethics asks if it negative provided it was a universal law. Drawbacks: poses personal conviction over desires
Utilitarian ethics are __ based consequence
Briefly explain consequence-based ethics and its drawbacks Greatest good for greatest number Cost of action Bennifits of action Do the bennifits outweigh the costs "Maximizing the satisfaction of personal desire or social golas" Drawbacks: Excludes minorities
To be considered misconduct what code of wthics section must be breached? 77(2) g
Define code of ethics 77(2) g Engineering code of ethics 77(2) g states one is not committing professional misconduct if only code of ethics is breached unless in breach of 77(2) j
Define code of ethics 77(2) j Violation of ethics considered misconduct if action is disgraceful, dishonorable, or unprofessional enough
Does civil law apply across Canada? No, only in quebec
Common law applies in? Ontario
Does criminal law apply across Canada? Yes
Define common and civil law Laws concerning non-criminal acts in ontario and quebec
Define Tort Law Correction of a civil wrong. Compensate the plaintiff rather than punishing defendant
Does negligence fall under tort law Yes
List the four major points of legal expectation for negligence as a practitioner Duty of care owed Breach of duty of care Damages result of the breach Damages reasonably forseeable at time of breach
how is duty and standard of care measured by professional standard of the time
What are the 2 elements to a breach of contract? 1. Existence of a contract 2. Breach of the contract
What is the term of a patent? 20 years
Is computer software patentable in Canada? Yes
Does an inventor always own his/her invention? No, a clause may exist in the employee's contract at place of work
Does industrial design focus on the function or appearance? Optimizes the appearence and manufacturability of a function
Can trademark prtoect the functionalit of a product? No, it serves as identificationfor a function
Does the employment standards act apply to engineers? Yes
What are the five exemptions towards professional engineers in the ESA? 1. Hours of work and and eating periods 2. Overtime 3. Minimum wage 4. Public holiday 5. Vacation with pay
Does the Labour Relations Act (LRA) allow engineers to form unions? No
Does the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) apply to engineers? Yes
What are the three instances that cause and P.Eng to be in violation of the OHSA? In violation of the act if negligently or incompetently: Gives advice or certification under the act Results in worder endangerment
What is due diligence? Knowing workplace hazards and legal obligation Developing Communicating Training Clarifying Enforcing Documenting
How is harassment defined? Unwelcome comments or cinduct
O.Reg 857 s(7) Professional engineers have duty to ensure the safety of designs, certify mechanisms, pre start health and safety reviews
What is the annual immigration to Canada? 250, 000
Origin of most immigrants? Asia
How many acts protect diversity in Canada? 4
What does health and safety trump? Human rights
Percentage of Aboriginal people in Canada? 4.3 %
Disabled peoples unemployment rate? 49 %
What does CDE stand for? Conference on DIversity in Engineering
Percentage of engineers in Canada who are foreign trained? 12 %
Percentage of female engineering students? 20 %
Percentage of female engineers? 14 %
Define greenwashing Implying superior sustainability over another product
Name the three types of sustainability 1. Economic 2. Social 3. Environmental
Define ecological footprint The quantification of the sustainability of product or service. The ratio of consumption to replacement
Does Canada and the US exceed their defined biocapacity? No
carrying capacity of the earth? 3-13 billion people
What is limited temporal scope? We are running out of time to achieve sustainability
Does limited spatial scope affect Life cycle Assesment (LCA)? Yes
What is LCA used for? Assesing enviromental impacts associated with with product life. From cradle to grave.
If your action affects the environment. You are to __ know the law
What does the Ontario Envronmental Protection Act (OEPA) cover? Approvals Emissions Waste management
What is the Green Energy Act? Implemented by Ontario Encourages investment in renewable energy sources
Define conflict When one perceives the actions of another to be a threat to their interests
Unresolved conflict causes Diminished morale Impaired working relationships Increased stress Lower productivity
Principled negotiation Collaborative
Does collaborative resolution have to be voluntary? No
Important collaborative skills Active listening Non-defensive response Convey respect and empathy
Goal of collaborative process make conflict productive
Name the types of business Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation
Three types of partnership General Limited Limited Liability
Creditors can claim against one's personal assets in sole proprietorship or partnership in addition to the business' True
In an LLP who is responsible for negligence claims The individual partner
In a corporation, who pays the tax on the profits? The corporation
Who is responsible for any liability in a corporation? The corporation
Are shareholders liable in a corporation? yes, up to their value of share
Consent is required in a request for information Depends on the relationship, may be directly needed or implied
List five principles in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) 1. Each organization is to have a privacy officer 2. Organization must be transparent 3. Organizations must obtain consent 4. Information collected must be accurate 5. Users of organizations must be able to access their information
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