Parasitology Trematodes


Basic info covering Heterobilharzia americana, Alaria spp., Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Platynosomum fastosum, Paragonimus kellicotti, Nanophyetus salmincola, Paramphistomum, Catylophoron, Fasciola hepatica, and Fascioloides magna.
Cassie Bowling
Flashcards by Cassie Bowling, updated more than 1 year ago
Cassie Bowling
Created by Cassie Bowling almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Fasciola Hepatica (thinner wall and operculum)
Fasciola hepatica (leaflike, pointy head, smallish)
Fascioloides magna (slightly larger, slightly thicker wall and operculum)
Fascioloides magna (large, meaty, no shoulders)
Fasciola hepatica: Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? "common liver fluke" Gulf Coast, Pacific Northwest, Caribbean, Eastern Canada distribution (worldwide too) Migrate from GI to liver, adults in bile duct Ruminants, horses, people Indirect Lifecycle: unembryonated egg passes in feces, becomes embronated, miracidium hatches and penetrates snail, leaves as cercaria, matures to metacercaria and gets eaten by host, migrates to liver, matures, and settle in bile ducts Clinical signs: fibrosis, pipe-stem liver, inflammation, abdominal pain, enlarged liver, black disease, weakness, anemia, production loss Diagnosis: Sedimentation, fecal float, stages in liver/bile ducts Treatment: Clorsulon, albendazole, snail control Zoonotic
Fascioloides magna: Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? Giant Liver Fluke/Deer Fluke North America and Europe GI to liver to form cysts White Tail Deer (Ruminants, Camelids) Indirect Lifecycle: unembryonated egg passes in feces, becomes embronated, miracidium hatches and penetrates snail, leaves as cercaria, matures to metacercaria and gets eaten by host, migrates to liver, matures and encysts Clinical signs: Reduced body and antler size (others: walled off cysts, death) Diagnosis: Sedimentation, fecal float, adults in liver Treatment: Clorsulon, albendazole, snail control Not zoonotic
Paramphistomum/Cotylophoron Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? Rumen Flukes Worldwide Small Intenstine, abomasum, rumen Ruminants Indirect Life Cycle: Unembryonated Egg in stool, embryonate in water, miracidium hatches and penetrates snail, multiplies and goes sporocyst-redia-cercaria, leaves snail, matures to metacercariae and encysts on water plant, eaten by host, matures Clinical Signs: enteritis, hemorrhage, diarrhea, depression, dehydration, anorexia (From juvenile migration) Diagnosis: Sedimentation, ID adults Treatment: Snail control Not Zoonotic
Paramphistomum/Cotylophoron (Clearish, smooth, operculum, non-emryonated)
Paramphistomum/Cotylophoron (Rice krispies conical shape, suckers are opposite ends, small, in rumen)
Nanophyetus salmincola (tan, smooth, operculum, non-emryonated)
Nanophyetus salmincola (small, single ovary, paired parallel testes)
Nanophyetus salmincola Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? Salmon poisoning flukes Pacific Northwest Small Inestine Dogs and Cats Indirect Cycle: Egg in feces, hatches to miracidium in water, penetrate snail, mature to cercaria and leave, enter salmon, encyst as metacircariae, eaten by host, mature in intestine Clinical Signs: redness, edema (from Neorickettsia helminthoeca: fever, lethargy, anorexia, ocular discharge, vomitting, diarrhea, enlarged lymph nodes, EFF) Diagnosis: Sedimentation, float, ID adults, history Treatment: praziquantel (doxy), cook/freeze fish, prevent predation Zoonotic
Paragonimus Kellicotti Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? Lung Fluke Worldwide-EU, Australia, and Antarctica SI to abdominal wall to diaphragm to lungs Dogs, cats, other mammals Indirect Cycle: unembryonated egg coughed up, swallowed, passed in feces, miracidium hatches and penetrates snail, sporocyst-redia-asexual repro-germinal repro-cercariae-leave snail, infect crayfish, metacercaria, crayfish eaten by host, migrate to lungs, mature Clinical Signs: bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic cough Diagnosis: Fecal float, sedimentation, BAL/TTW, ID adults, cysts in rads Treatment: praziquantel, fenbendazole, prevent predation/scavenging Zoonotic
Paragonimus kellicotti (amber, smooth, ridged operculum, non-embryonated)
Paragonimus kellicotti (ventral anterior sucker, coffee bean appearance in lungs, parallel testes, anterior ovary)
Platynosomum fastosum (Amber, smooth, operculum, contains fully-formed miracidium)
Platynosomum fastosum (in bile ducts, have parallel testes)
Platynosomum fastomum Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? Lizard Poisoning fluke SE US, Caribbean, Hawaii SI, bile/pancreatic duct Host: Cats Indirect Cycle: Egg passes in feces, hatch, penetrate snail, mature, penetrate pill bug to mature to metacercaria, pill bug eaten by cat or paratenic host, travel to pancreatic/bile duct, mature Clinical signs: enlarged bile ducts and gallbladder, cholangiosarcomas, liver failure Diagnosis: Sedimentation, ID adults Treatment: Praziquantel, prevent predation Not zoonotic
Dicrocoelium dendriticum Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? Lancet Fluke Worldwide SI to bile ducts to biliary tree Ruminants, swine, horses, dog Indirect Cycle: egg in feces, eaten by snail, miracidium-mother sporocyst-cercaria-leave in slime, ingested by ant, metacercaria encyst, host eats ant, migrate to bile ducts, adults in biliary tree Clinical Signs: progressive hepatic cirrhosis, decreased production, weight loss (older sheep), recumbency, anemia, liver cirrhosis, and abcesses (camelids) Diagnosis: Sedimentation, ID adults Treatment: Albendazole or praziquantel Zoonotic
Dicrocoelium dendriticum (small, dark, smooth, operculum, contains miracidia)
Dicrocoelium dendriticum (pointed at both ends like blade of grass, ventral sucker near oral sucker, tandem testes, small ovary posterior)
Alaria spp. Amber, smooth, operculum, non-embryonated
Alaria spp. Small, distinct fore and hind body, tentacles
Alaria spp. Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? Intestinal Fluke Worldwide GI to diaphragm to lungs to small intestine Dogs, cats, carnivores Indirect Cycle: unembryonated egg pass in feces, embryonates, miracidium hatches and penetrates snail, sporocyst-asexual repro-redia-germinal repro-cercariae-leave snail, infect tadpoles, mesocercariae, host eats tadpole or paratenic host, migrate and mature Clinical Signs: local hemorrhage or inflammation, pulmonary hemorrhage, enteritis Diagnosis: Sedimentation, fecal float (collapsed eggs), ID adults Treatment: praziquantel, prevent predation/hunting, don't breed infected cats Zoonotic
Heterobilharzia americana Distribution Course in body Definitive Host Life Cycle Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Zoonotic? Swimmer's Itch Gulf Coastal States Skin to lungs to liver to mesenteric veins Dogs, horses, alpaca Indirect Cycle: egg passes, hatches in water, penetrates snail, matures to cercaria and leaves, penetrates host in water, migrates and matures Clinical signs: granulomas, lathargy, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, hypercalcemia, dermititis Diagnosis: Sedimentation with saline, ID adults Treatment: fenbendazole+praziquantel, snail control Not zoonotic
Heterobilharzia americana Clear to brown, smooth, round to ovoid, no operculum, contains miracidium
Heterobilharzia americana (male and females in eternal copulation, cylindrical)
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