revision resource -ide


Flashcards on revision resource -ide, created by Tobias Andrews on 30/11/2018.
Tobias Andrews
Flashcards by Tobias Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago
Tobias Andrews
Created by Tobias Andrews almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
High level code High level languages use instructions to represent several machine code instructions. They are designed to be closer to human languages and are easier to use.
low level code low level code more closely reflects the mechanical workings of the CPU. There are less suitable for human use.
Translators This is used to convert high level code into low level code.
Interpreters Interpreters convert the high level language instructions one at a time executing them before moving on.
Compilers Compilers convert the whole program into machine code before the program is run.
Assembler Translate assembly language's mnemonics like ADD,STA, INP to machine code.
structured query language A language used to create queries in a database . databases will hold data such as customer information.
MOD value = 20MOD6 20/6 = 3 remainder MOD represents the remainder therefore the answer is 2
DIV value = 20DIV6 20/6 = 3 remainder 2 div represents whole number part of the division .Therefore the answer is 3
IDE integrated development environment
IDE Application use to create software. an IDE can support different language and has a number of different tools that assists the developer.
source code editor Organises the code such as indents,colour coding,bracket matching ,syntax check.
error diagnostics and debugger warnings identify problems in the code and list errors.
run-time Enviroment allows developer to run the code during development.allows time to check errors and functionality
translator complies or interprets the source code into runnable machine code
automation tools -autocomplete code as you type -A
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