10: Social Neuroscience


Psychology (Social Psychology) Flashcards on 10: Social Neuroscience, created by Cornelia C on 09/12/2018.
Cornelia C
Flashcards by Cornelia C, updated more than 1 year ago
Cornelia C
Created by Cornelia C almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Describe patient cases where normal social behaviour has become impaired 1) Phineas Gage: industrial accident destroyed his ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Survived with motor and cognitive abilities intact 2) EVR_ orbitofrontal damage during tumour removal. Intact intelligence but impaired decision making and emotional responses. 3) MGS: following medial prefrontal damage, “gross impairment in social competence, decision making, and conduct” 4) Anderson et al. (2005): patients with childhood ventromedial damage; severe social impairments (disruptiveness, criminality, irresponsibility). Behaviour changes because prefrontal cortex is linked wit the “limbic system” (emotion processing and motivation). Damage prevents “gut reactions”. Prefrontal cortex and limbic system are required for social decision making. Neuroimaging evidence: Ventral prefrontal cortex and limbic system (especialy amygdala): comparing fearful faces with neutral faces shows bi-lateral amygdala activation. Comparing angry faces with neural faces also shows amygdala activation.
Describe prosopagnosia Face blindness. Patients cannot recognise familiar faces. Memory is intact and people can be recognised using other cues. Perhaps caused by structural processing difficulties.
Describe brain areas associated with face processing Associated with damage to fusiform gyrus in temporal lobe (face area) and occipital face area, especially in right hemisphere.
Describe the importance of multiple brain areas/cognitive systems interacting for normal social processing Person processing: processing complex person information is important in social groups. Evidence from patients suggests both emotion and face processing systems are important. Capgras’ syndrome: the delusion that intimate others have been replaced by impostors. Disconnection between the fusiform face area and the limbic system. Others are correctly recognised but lack of emotional response causes confusion.
Discuss whether social information processing is special 1) Can word describe item? Higher mPFC activation for people decision trial than object decision trial 2) Social (form impression) or non-social (Remember order) task on statement with six faces. Higher mPFC activation for social trials. 3) Physical properties and mentalising for people and dogs. Ventral mPFC activated during all mentalising tasks. 4) Self-reference task. mPFC activation higher for self-reference than other-reference. High mPFC activation predicts subsequent memory.
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