Organizing & managing patient flows (HPI4010)


These flashcards contain questions about definitions, concepts and models of the course "Organizing & Managing Patient Flows" within the Healthcare Policy, Innovation & Management master program of Maastricht University.
Noor Shoukri
Flashcards by Noor Shoukri, updated more than 1 year ago
Noor Shoukri
Created by Noor Shoukri almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the definition of "Cybernetics"? Operational and regulatory activities needed to realize and adapt desired behavior of a set of variables.
What is the definition of "Flow"? A steady or continuous stream of supplies.
What is the definitions of "Logistics"? A systematic approach to organize and manage the production process and flow of products/services of a social system.
What is the definition of "Managing"? Controlling (i.e. coordinating and steering) parts and connections of an organization to get an intended outcome (e.g. controlling the flow for outcome).
What is the definition of "Manufacturing"? Production of goods, products and services.
What is the definition of "Operation Management"? Management which is focused on controlling production and manufacturing.
What is the definition of "Organizing"? Designing a flow architecture; it results in a design structure of parts (i.e. activities, jobs) and connection between parts (i.e. relationships, interactions) in the flow.
What is the definition of an "Organizational Structure"? The network of tasks that connect technology and HR to the activities needed to realize and adapt organizational goals; structure provides meaning to technology and HR.
What is the definition of "Social Systems"? Continuous self-production of organization as social systems that consist of elements (communications) that are produced against a background of communication permises (i.e. an element system).
What is the definition of "Redundancy of Function"? The capability of team members to carry out different tasks, which leads to the enhanced usability of human potential and provides flexibility.
What is the definition of "Minimal Critical Specification"? Specifying only what is critical, and keep specifications to a minimum, based on craftsmanship and trust.
What is the definition of "Organizational Choice"? Given the same technology, organizations have different strategies (options) to deploy that technology - resulting in different outcomes.
What is the definition of "Sociotechnical Systems Thinking"? A new theoretical approach (open system) which recognized internal functioning of an organizational design (sociotechnical system) in relation to its environmental context.
What is the definition of "Sociotechnical Systems Design"? A new design system which aims at creative adaptive, innovative and healthy workplaces and organizations which is done in a participative manner, in co-design with stakeholders.
What is the definition of "Lean"? A theory that focusses on eliminating waste while simultaneously creating more customer value using several tools (e.g. 14 principles of the Toyota Management System, Kaizen, 3M's, 5S's) within different approaches (Thinking, Management, Manufactoring, Production etc.).
What is the definition of "Total Quality Management"? An evolving system of practices, tools and training methods for managing companies to provide customer satisfaction in a rapid changing environment.
What is the definition of "Six Sigma"? A strategy to reduce variation within the tolerance or specification limits of a service performance characteristics. In order to improve the quality of a typical service, it is imperative to measure or quantify variation and then develop potential strategies to reduce variation.
What is the definition of "Business Process Reengingeering"? The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance.
What is the definition of "Kaizen"? Continuous improvement.
What is the definition of "Mura"? Uneveness, due to irregular or fluctuating production or workload.
What is the definition of "Muri"? Overburding, leading to safety and quality problems.
What is the definition of "Muda"? Waste, due to non-value adding activities.
What is the definition of "Value Map Streaming"? Identification of all the specific activities occurring along a value stream for a product or product family.
What is the definition of "Just-In-Time"? A system for producing and delivering the right items at the right time in the right amounts.
What is the definition of "Kaikaku"? Radical improvement of an activity to eliminate "Muda".
What is the definition of "Material Requirements Planning"? A computerized system used to determine the quantity and timing requirements for materials used in a production operation.
What is the definition of "Material Resource Planning"? This expands on Material Requirements Planning and includes capacity planning tools, a financial interface to translate operations planning into financial terms and a simulate tool to assess alternative production plans.
What is the definition of "Poka-Yoke"? A mistake-proofing device or procedure to prevent a defect during order-taking or manufacturing.
What is the definition of "Standardization"? A precise description of each work activity specifying cycle time, takt time, the work sequence of specific tasks and the minimum inventory of parts on hand needed to conduct the activity.
What is the definition of "Visual Control"? The placement in plain view of all tools, parts, production activities and indicators of production system performance, so the status of the system can be understood at a glance by everyone involved.
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