Development of Cognition


Key terms in Developmental Cognition
meg mould
Flashcards by meg mould, updated more than 1 year ago
meg mould
Created by meg mould over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
REFLEXES An inherent response to stimuli.
ASSIMILATION Incorporating new experiences in to our ideas.
ACCOMMODATION Adapting existing schema's to accommodate new information.
SCHEMA Pattern of thoughts or behaviour that organises categories of information to make sense of the world around you.
EQUILIBRIUM When your schema matches the information from the world around you.
DISEQUILIBRIUM Mismatch of information between schema's and the real world, can be very unsatisfying.
DISEMBEDDED THINKING Confusion when asked to perform an unfamiliar or unrealistic task.
AUTOMATISATION Performing an action so often so often that you eventually need little or no conscious effort.
METACOGNITION Thinking about thinking, being able to control your own thoughts.
SENSORIMOTOR STAGE (0 - 2 years) OBJECT PERMANENCE Knowing an object exists even though it cant be seen.
PREOPERATIONAL STAGE (2-7 years) EGOCENTRIC THOUGHTS Thinking about things symbolically and creating their own views about things.
CONCRETE OPERATIONAL STAGE (7-11 years) LOGICAL / OPERATIONAL THINKING Working things out internally without having to explore the outside world.
FORMAL OPERATIONAL STAGE (11+ years) Being able to understand abstract concepts and notions.
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