Costume History 1st Exam


Flashcards on Costume History 1st Exam, created by Juliet Mace on 20/01/2019.
Juliet Mace
Flashcards by Juliet Mace, updated more than 1 year ago
Juliet Mace
Created by Juliet Mace over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bone Pin (Cavemen)
Draped or sew skins with bone needles, and bone scrapers Cavemen clothing (30,000 years ago)
27,000 years ago, oldest found in 7,000 BCE in turkey made from sheep wool Textile Fabric
Protection Style Societal Norms Modesty Why do we wear clothes?
Decoration Main reason we wear clothes
Function (occupation) What dictates the type of clothes we wear?
Hot What climate uses draping as clothing method?
Cold What climate needs tailored clothes?
Buying it because you have the money to do so Conspicuous consumption
Gender Age Status Group Identification Sexual Attractiveness Social Communication What does clothing indicate?
Politics Technology Communication Mixing cultures Art Geography What drives fashion?
Loincloths What do assyrian children wear?
Wool and Linen What were Assyrian clothes made of?
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