Module 2.2 Building Blocks Of Life


Flashcards on Module 2.2 Building Blocks Of Life, created by Mariam Al-hujaimi on 03/02/2019.
Mariam Al-hujaimi
Flashcards by Mariam Al-hujaimi, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariam Al-hujaimi
Created by Mariam Al-hujaimi over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who was the First person to make a microscope? The first person to make a microscope was Zacharias Janssen
When did Zacharias Janssen first make a microscope? He first made It around 1590
What did scientist Robert Hooke discover? He discovered the building blocks of life -CELLS
How did scientist Hooke discover cells? He discovered them when he was looking at cork with a microscope. He saw that the thin slices of cork resembled honeycomb and contained little boxes or cells
How did Antonie van Leeuwenhoek discover microorganisms? He was looking at a water pond with a microscope and he saw tiny organisms moving about, he called them Animalcules. Now they are called microorganisms.
What did Robert Brown discover? He discovered that plant cells weren't just empty boxes they had even smaller structures inside them
What did Theodor Schleiden propose? He proposed that animals were also made up of cells which meant cells were the basic unit of life
What could you see inside a cell? You can see Organelles (little organs) they would range in sizes from tiny to quite big
What are Ribosomes? They are microscopic factories that produce proteins used by the animal for growth and repair.
What do plant cells have outside the cell membrane? They have something called Cell Wall
What do Chloroplasts contain? They contain a green substance called chlorophyll
What are Unicellular Organisms? They are living things that are made up of only one cell.
What are bacteria? They are small and simple cells that do not have any organelles or a true nucleus
What is Mitosis? It is when a cell divides into two identical cells
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