Ecosystems and Materials Keywords (YEAR 9)


YEAR 9- Ecosystems and Materials- AQA Biology
Aafreen Butt
Flashcards by Aafreen Butt, updated more than 1 year ago
Aafreen Butt
Created by Aafreen Butt over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
population a group of the same species that live together in a certain habitat
community different species in a certain area that interact with each other
ecosystem certain areas consisting of populations that interact with each other and other abiotic factors
habitat an area of environment where an organism lives
biotic factors a living factor in an environment that affects an organism (plants, animals, humans, fungi)
abitotic Factors a non-living factor in an environment that affects an organism (water, soil, air, heat, light)
interdependence the loss of one organism that has an effect on other species in a food web
pollution substances that cause harm in an environment
population density the numbers in a population per unit area
trophic level the feeding level an organism occupies in a food web
parasitism when an organism lives on or within a host and obtains food from it
mutualism two species living together and benefitting from the relationship
quadrat a frame of known area used when sampling organisms
belt transect quadrats placed along a line in a habitat
random sampling placing quadrats at random positions within a habitat
biomass the mass of living material within an ecosystem, measured by mass per unit area
producer primary food producers create their own food from sunlight using photosynthesis
consumer each consumer gets food from eating the organism from the trophic level before
detrivore consumers obtaining energy from organic waste and dead organisms
bio-diversity the variety of species in an area
non-indigenous species a species that was introduced from another country/place
indigenous species a species that was born and bred from that place
eutrophication excessive growth of algea in rivers due to nutrients from nitrates flowing in from farming
conservation trying to protect an endangered species or habitat
reforestation planting new trees in an area where they have been cut down
food security having access to enough healthy food
pest animal that causes problems to a human or their food source
pathogen an organism that causes disease
biofuel plants used to produce fuel
decomposers organisms that break down carbon compounds in plant or animal waste
potable water water safe for drinking
desalination making fresh water from salty water by removing the salt
indicator species organism whose presence indicates the absence of certain types of pollution
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