Factors Affecting Settlements


Flashcards on Factors Affecting Settlements, created by Aidan S.G on 28/12/2014.
Aidan S.G
Flashcards by Aidan S.G, updated more than 1 year ago
Aidan S.G
Created by Aidan S.G over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bridging point Settlements often grew where rivers could be easily crossed. many large cities were sited at the lowest bridging point. (the nearest point to the sea that could be crossed) e.g London and exeter
higher ground centuries ago, selecting site for defence purposes was very important. a castle was often built on high ground overlooking the surrounding countryside e.g Edinburgh
wet point site Settlements often located close to rivers, lakes or springs (providing a water source and a transportation route (boat)
Flat land flat land is easier to build on and more accessible
dry point settlements often grew above the flood plain to avoid building on unstable land ad avoid flooding. The city of Ely in Cambridgeshire was originally built on higher ground than surrounding marshland.
Aspect and shelter in the northern hemisphere, south facing slopes receive more sun than north facing slopes and are therefore warmer.
resources early settlements relied on timber for fuel, building materials, so a settlements close to a woodland was an advantage . stone could also be used for building so proximity to a quarry was also useful. during the industrial revolution coal was in great demand. many mining towns sprang up on the coalfields of northern England
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