Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry


Grade 11 Chemistry
Kimberly Dolcine
Flashcards by Kimberly Dolcine, updated more than 1 year ago
Kimberly Dolcine
Created by Kimberly Dolcine over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the units of pressure? 760mmHg=760 torr= 1 ATM=101.3kPa= 14.7p.s.i
What is the formula for the ideal gas law? PV=nRT
What is Boyle's law? As volume of a gas is decreased, the pressure of the gas increases proportionally.
What is Charlie's law? As the temperature of a gas is increased, the volume of the gas increases.
What is Gay-Lussac's law? As the temperature of a gas increases, the pressure of the gas increases.
What is the formula for the combined gas law? P1 times V1 over T1 is equal to P2 times V2 over T2.
What is Dalton's law of partial pressures? The total pressure of a mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressure of each gas.
What is the equation for Boyle's law of? When temperature is constant... P1V1=P2V2
What is the equation for Charles law? When pressure is constant ... V1 over T1 = V2 over T2
What is the equation for Gay-Lussac's law? When volume is constant... P1 over T1 = P2 over T2
What is the equation for Dalton's law of partial pressures? Ptotal= P1 + P2 + P3+....
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