Introduction to Psychology


Flashcards on Introduction to Psychology, created by Irina Yaropolova on 27/01/2015.
Irina Yaropolova
Flashcards by Irina Yaropolova, updated more than 1 year ago
Irina Yaropolova
Created by Irina Yaropolova over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is psychology? Sience of human behaviour and experience
What is an "approach"? It is a belief about the world and about what causes ppl to behave certain ways. These beliefs will affect what they choose to study and how they choose to study it.
Approaches in psychology? - cognitive - biological - humanistic - evolutionary - behaviourist - psychodynamic
Biological approach? It believes that behviour can be explained in terms of inheriting characteristics, such as tendency to be agressive
Behaviourist approach? It believes that the way a person is and behaves is due to life experience. A person may be rewarded or punished for certain behaviour, and this determines their future behaviour. Ppl might also imitate what they see others doing.
Psychodynamic approach? It believes that our behaviour is influenced by emotions that are beyond our conscious awareness. Such emotions are buried in the unconscious mind as a result of events in early childhood. (Sigmund Freud (1856-1939))
Cognitive approach? it believes that behaviour is best explained in terms of how a person thinks about their actions. For example, the expectation that a concert will be brilliant will increase the likehood that it will be a great experience for you.
Main debates in psychology? - Nature VS Nuture - Reductionism VS Holism - Determinism VS Free Will - Idiographic VS Nomothetic
Nature VS Nuture? This debate suggests that ppl are either the product of their genes and biology (NATURE) or of their environment (NUTURE).
Reductionism VS Holism? Reductionism involves breaking down a complex phenomenon into more simple components. Holism is the view tha system should ve studied as a whole. We can't predict how the whole system will behave from a knowledge of the individual components.
Determinism VS Free Will? Determenism is the view that an individual behaviour is shaped or cintrolled by internal or external forces. "Free Will" sees individual as being capable of self-determination. Ppl have an active role in controlling their behavious.
Idiographic VS Nomothetic? The Idiographic approach involves the study of ppl and the unique insights each person gives us about human behaviour. The Nomothetic approach involves the study of a large number of people and then seeks to make generalisations about their behaviour.
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