art 101


art 101 first quiz
Alina Abeshyan
Flashcards by Alina Abeshyan, updated more than 1 year ago
Alina Abeshyan
Created by Alina Abeshyan over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Yoruba- Olowe of Ise. Made from wood, bronze was used to honor ancestors and death masks. Same as Marcus but cultures valued different things. Showed his power by showing horse and above wife and with gun/spear. Showed he had local and western weapon. Wife was underneath to provide for children and showed that he had heirs to his throne. Abstract. Not overtly realistic but has recognizable objects.
Marcus Aurelis was a well respected ruler. Made of bronze. It was a way of political propoganda. Rulers were seen as godlike. Use bronze for a sculpture of an important person, clay and marble broke. Was once golden, he's on a battle horse and in phil. robe. Shows he was smart in warfare and also intelligent. Roman culture.
The Persistence of Time- Salvador Dali. Surrealist movement. Felt repressed by time. Oil paint.
Rene Magritte- The Present. Surrealist movement. Known for cutouts/clouded blue skies. Suit jacket, weird eggs, the human eye. Studying things beyond reality and exploring subconscious and dreams.
Starry Night- Vincent Van Gogh. Part of the impressionist movement. Used oil paint, impasto, thick application. Painted in a monochromatic way with analogous colors.
Self-portrait with straw hat- Vincent Van Gogh. Mostly yellow. The impasto made it livelier.
Michelangelo- Sistine Chapel ceiling. Renaissance was rebirth of the classics, after medieval. Overtly realistic again. Studied ancient Greek and Romans. Used fresco paint- pigment and plaster. (limestone). Fuses together for a long time.
Took four years, had neck problems, was known for sculpting.
Pieta- Michelangelo. Marble. Takes true talent. Mary holding Jesus. She is bigger because it shows her impact on Jesus' life. Ren.
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