Functions of Cell Structures (Double Award)


Double Award Biology cell structures and functions
Robyn Archer
Flashcards by Robyn Archer, updated more than 1 year ago
Robyn Archer
Created by Robyn Archer over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Chromosomes Threadlike structures found in the nucleus. Made of DNA which contains the genetic information of the cell.
Cytoplasm Jelly-like substance where chemical reactions take place.
Nucleus Control centre of the cell. Contains the cell's genetic information arranged in chromosomes.
Nuclear membrane Surrounds the nucleus.
Mitochondria Site of cell respiration, very abundant in cells that need lots of energy, like muscle cells.
Cell membrane Selectively permeable membrane which controls what enters and leaves the cell.
Cellulose cell wall Stiff structure around the outside of cell that provides support.
Vacuole Contains cell sap. When full, pushes cell membrane against cell wall, making cell rigid and providing more support.
Chloroplast Contains chlorophyll, which traps light and helps the plant make food during photosynthesis.
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