

Respiratory: 1-7 Cardiovascular: 8-18
Flashcards by julie.cecelia, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by julie.cecelia over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a respiratory disorder characterized by recurring episodes of paroxysmal dyspnea caused by constriction of the bronchi, coughing, and viscous mucous bronchial secretions asthma
wheezing on expiration and/or inspiration paroxysmal dyspnea
an infection of lung tissue in which alveoli fill with pus, mucus, etc., and oxygen and carbon dioxide are not exchanged properly, causing low blood oxygen levels. pneumonia
inflammation of the bronchi bronchitis
persistent lung disorder that blocks the airways and makes breathing difficult -- chronic bronchitis + emphysema chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
persistent inflammation of the bronchi in which large amounts of mucous causes: the bronchial walls to swell, the airways to be obstructed and low oxygen levels. chronic bronchitis
respiratory disorder caused by damaged walls of the alveoli which trap air in them; can lead to barrel chest. emphysema
abnormally high blood pressure (140+/80+) hypertension
narrowed or blocked coronary arteries caused by a buildup of cholesterol along the inside of the arterial walls. coronary artery disease (CAD)
chest pain caused by CAD when the heart muscle doesn’t get enough oxygen. angina pectoris
death of heart tissue caused by lack of oxygen to the heart because of sudden interruption of blood flow to the heart. myocardial infarction (MI)
thickening and narrowing of artery walls. atherosclerosis
when the heart cannot pump blood normally and therefore blood backs up and causes congestion of fluid in the tissues congestive heart failure (CHF)
abnormal heart rhythms which occur when the heart’s electrical system malfunctions arrhythmia
localized dilation of a blood vessel wall. aneurysm
inflammation of the vein; occurring most often in the legs. phlebitis
blood clot which forms in a blood vessel thrombus
a travelling thrombus embolus
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