Parts of a book


Showing the parts of a book at the library
María De Los Ángeles Vergara Aibar
Flashcards by María De Los Ángeles Vergara Aibar, updated more than 1 year ago
María De Los Ángeles Vergara Aibar
Created by María De Los Ángeles Vergara Aibar about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The author writes the book.
Illustrator draws the pictures on the book.
The editor reads and corrects the book.
The publisher is the company which prints the book
The front cover contains the information of the book such as the TITLE, the AUTHOR and the ILLUSTRATOR.
The back cover of the book shows more information on the book.
The Title is the name of the book.
The Title Page includes the title, the author and the illustrator. The Copyright Page contains the date and place the book was published.
The Text is inside the book. The book may have Chapters or Sections.
The Illustrations and Photographs are inside the book.
The Spine shows information of the book in a library.
The Barcode contains the information of the book.
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