Bandura at al.


Georgia Bishop
Flashcards by Georgia Bishop, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgia Bishop
Created by Georgia Bishop over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Aim To investigate whether children will imitate aggressive behavior: aggressive model will lead to aggressive reproduction (similar acts and general behavior) same sex boys more aggressive than girls
Sample opportunity sample from stanford university, california - nursery. 72, 36 boys 36 girls (3-5yrs) matched pairs - aggression, possible extraneous variable controlled.
Independent measures Aggressive or non-aggressive model, gender of model, gender of child
Dependent Variable imitation of aggressive acts/observed behaviour
Experimental groups aggressive model non-aggressive model no model
The break down
Findings: complete imitation aggressive condition, imitated many aggressive model behaviours non aggressive didn't, 70% had zero scores
Findings: non imitative aggression Aggressive group displayed more non- imitated aggression, the difference was small non significant.
Findings: Non-aggressive behaviour children in the non-aggressive condition spent more time playing non-aggressively with dolls.
findings: Gender effects same sex - boys not girls gender of model - males had greater influence gender of child - boys more physical aggression but groups didn't differ in verbal aggression.
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