History-Mesopotamia and Sumerian City States


Used for History class
Elijah Levanon
Flashcards by Elijah Levanon, updated more than 1 year ago
Elijah Levanon
Created by Elijah Levanon almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
City State An early city that is like a small, independent country with its own laws and government
Civilization A society marked by developed arts, sciences, government, and social structure
Empire A large territory in which several groups of people are ruled by a single government or leader.
Grapes Geography
gRapes Religion
grApes Acheivments
graPes Politics
grapEs Economy
grapeS Social structure
Cuneiform Wedge-shaped writing system used by Sumerians
Pictographs Picture-based writing used generally by basic civilizations
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