25 Prefix, Suffix, & Root Word Flash Cards


25 prefixes, suffixes and root words for studying.
Sage Gutierrez M
Flashcards by Sage Gutierrez M, updated more than 1 year ago
Sage Gutierrez M
Created by Sage Gutierrez M over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
a-/an- Prefix Meaning: not/without Example(s): asymmetrical, anonymous
-ant/-ent Suffix Meaning: one who Example(S): resident
-ism Suffix Meaning: doctrine of, principal of Example(s): activism, escapism
bibl Root Word Meaning: book Example(s): bibliophile, bible
mim Root Word Meaning: same Example(s): mimic
uni- Prefix Meaning: one, single Example(s): unicycle
sol/soli Root Word Meaning: alone Example(s): solo, solitude
mal- Prefix Meaning: bad Example(s): malevolent, maleficent
ante- Prefix Meaning: before, in front Example(s): antecedent, antebellum
brev Root Word Meaning: short Example(s): abbreviation
intra/intro Prefix Meaning: inside of/within Example(s): introspect, intrant
chron Root Word Meaning: time Example(s): chronological
-ure Suffix Meaning: action or process Example(s): procedure, capture
culp Root Word Meaning: fault, blame Example(s): culprit, culpable
poly Root Word Meaning: much, many Example(s): polygon
cred Root Word Meaning: believe Example(s): credible
belli Root Word Meaning: war Example(s): rebellion
luc/lum Root Word Meaning: light Example(s): luminate, translucid
fac Root Word Meaning: make, do Example(s): factor
inter- Prefix Meaning: between Example(s): interchangeable, international
post- Prefix Meaning: after/later Example(s): postpone
-hood Suffix Meaning: state or quality of Example(s): childhood
-ian Suffix Meaning: person Example(s): musician, mortician
-ive Suffix Meaning: inclined to Example(s): initiative
dys- Prefix Meaning: not normal Example(s): dysfunctional
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