Ethics in psychological research


Participants' rights when planning psychological research
Frank Gaudin
Flashcards by Frank Gaudin, updated more than 1 year ago
Frank Gaudin
Created by Frank Gaudin over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Confidentiality all info about participants must be kept confidential to respect their privacy. data must be securely store and properly disposed of. the results of the study should not enable others to identify participants unless written permission has been given
Informed consent participants must be informed of the nature of the research, benefits and risks, what will be expected of them. cares/guardians of people with intellectual disabilities or young children must be informed and give consent, usually written,.
Voluntary participation participants should not be forced or pressured to participate. researchers cannot offer inducements. be prepared to participate in research for it's own value.
Right to withdraw participants have the right to withdraw at any stage for any reason. must be informed of this before they give consent.
Deception in Research if full disclosure is given it might affect participant behaviour during research. Whenever the researcher uses deception, participants must be fully debriefed at the end of the study. full information on true purpose of the study and correcting mistaken ideas about the study, themselves or others.
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