Methods for investigating brain function


Year 11 Psychology Flashcards on Methods for investigating brain function, created by Alyssa Cronin on 22/03/2021.
Alyssa Cronin
Flashcards by Alyssa Cronin, updated more than 1 year ago
Alyssa Cronin
Created by Alyssa Cronin over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
EEG Electroencephalograph Detects, amplifies and records electrical activity in the entire brain by many electrodes on external of the head. Recorded through zigzags on a chart cannot pinpoint areas different patterns can detect epilepsy & tumors
CAT Computed axial tomography static imaging x-ray sends narrow beams thu the head scans 180* & takes measurement every * looks at abnormalities -mental illness, strokes, tumors only shows brain structure -image quality not as good as MRI
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging static imaging uses strong magnetic field, radiofrequency pulses & computers to make images. detects abnormalities & tumors patients cant have any metal on them. produces 3D images that 2D slices can be made
fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging Dynamic imaging- colour images of brain measures activity when neurons consume oxygen- high oxygen levels = high activity can observe & measure change of brain during activity. can be rapid scan. no radioactive tracers. cheaper than PET scans
PET Position emission tomography Dynamic imaging- colour images of brain based on glucose consumption in brain- has harmless radioactive tracer blood clots, tumors, epilepsy detected by comparing to healthy brain shows specific areas while activity like reading, speaking, thinking. not as detailed as fMRI
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